Auricular Anatomy Basics: The 7 Major Areas of the Ear 4.87/5 (31)

Here at Miridia Technology, we're huge proponents of auriculotherapy. It is an excellent adjunct treatment for practitioners of all kinds to incorporate into their clinics—and it's a simple and fantastic at-home treatment method that will empower patients. In this post, we'll go over basic auricular anatomy—a great place to start! Read more

can acupuncture support the immune system?

Can Acupuncture Support the Immune System? 4.95/5 (19)

Lately, with the outbreak of the Coronavirus, it seems the world at large is looking for options to strengthen the immune system. A healthy immune system is a crucial part of overcoming any type of infection. Those with a weakened immune system are the most susceptible to severe illness or complications—particularly during an epidemic. Here's the good news: Acupuncture is great for supporting the immune system! Read more

Proving that Acupuncture Works—One Graph at a Time 4.75/5 (24)

The truth is, your patients don’t understand how acupuncture works, or how it can help them. The beauty of the AcuGraph Digital Meridian Imaging System is that it takes the confusion and mystery out of acupuncture, helps your patients “see the chi”, and creates raving fans who value acupuncture and refer you to friends and family. In a world where patients have been conditioned to trust x-rays, scans and tests, AcuGraph is the key to convert patients to your care, and skyrocket your practice success. Read more

20 Creative AcuGraph Cover Pages: We’ve got you ‘COVERED’ for the New Year! 5/5 (18)

With AcuGraph, you can create personalized reports for your patients based upon their treatment journey. Uploading custom cover pages for these reports provides a personal message from you and your clinic. You can use templates for first-time patients, return visitors and wellness patients. Read more

2 Different Graphs, 1 Simple Solution 5/5 (45)

I had such an occasion recently when I performed an AcuGraph exam on a regular patient. I’m pretty experienced with this patient, and I thought I knew the sort of thing to expect. So when I encountered a bunch of anomalous readings, I began to wonder, “What changed?” After the process of elimination, I figured it out - and the answer was a bit of a shock! Read more

The Pointoselect Digital: My New Favorite Auriculotherapy Tool – Part 2 4.97/5 (68)

In my last blog post I talked about some exciting NEW changes in auriculotherapy technology. If you haven’t read part 1 of this series, you can access it here: Part 1: The Pointoselect Digital: My New Favorite Auriculotherapy Tool Before I talk more about the Pointoselect Digital, I feel the need... Read more

The Pointoselect Digital: My New Favorite Auriculotherapy Tool 4.97/5 (63)

Some things have changed in my clinic for the BETTER. Does it mean that things were BAD before? Absolutely not. I did the best I could, given the resources I had at the time… Then I did better, because I could! You’ve heard people use the old adage “back in my... Read more

Acupuncture for Pain Relief: Qi and Blood Stagnation Tips 4.94/5 (71)

Pain is the number one chief complaint in any acupuncture clinic. Why is that? There is a traditional Chinese saying which states: “If there is free flow, there is no pain. If there is pain, there is no free flow.” Free flow relates to movement of qi and blood, which... Read more

The 3-Level Acupuncture Balance Part 4: More on the Divergent Channel Balance 5/5 (64)

The 3-Level Acupuncture Protocol balances the Primary Channels (to regulate circulation of qi and blood), the Eight Extraordinary Channels (to regulate the musculoskeletal body), and the Divergent Channels (to regulate the internal zang-fu organs). If you haven’t read the previous blog posts in the 3-Level Acupuncture Balance series, you can... Read more