Gunalight: It’s Kinda like a Golden Magic Finger— but it’s NOT! 4.88/5 (16)

An acupuncturist and a massage therapist meet up to play with a brand new light therapy AcuPoint treatment device known as the Gunalight. They weren’t exactly sure what to expect from the experience… Magic happened. Background: I’m Dr. Kimberly Thompson. I’m an acupuncturist. Before I was an acupuncturist, I was... Read more

a calming aid for seasonal struggles

A Calming Aid for Seasonal Struggles 5/5 (3)

itters, and treat the root cause of seasonal struggles like anxiety and insomnia? What if it was proven safe, FDA-cleared, free of side-effects, non-addictive, and non-pharmaceutical? What if it was a powerful and rapid treatment that you could perform from the comfort of your own home, while working, resting, watching TV, or even sleeping? And finally, what if this treatment was more effective than prescription drugs in numerous scientific studies? treatment does exist. It's called CES (Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation). Read more

Pain — The Bully in the Neighborhood 4.93/5 (14)

Pain is like the bully in the neighborhood. You have to know the right way to get rid of him, or he'll keep coming back to haunt you! In this blog post, learn from Dr. Kimberly, a specialist in Chinese Medicine treatments for chronic pain, about how to effectively eliminate pain and keep it from coming back. Read more

Want to Boost your Immune System? Acupuncture Can Help! 5/5 (9)

Modern science is catching up with the wisdom of ancient Chinese medicine. A study published by the National Institutes of Health compared several studies to evaluate the efficacy of acupuncture for stimulating or regulating the immune system using different methods of acupuncture. The conclusion? Traditional Chinese Medicine CAN benefit immune health. Read more

Case Study: The Kidney Return Protocol 5/5 (73)

In this post, I will share an interesting case study involving the Kidney Return Protocol. First, I'll walk you through my thought process when analyzing the graph over the course of two visits. Read more

WEBINAR- Power in the Protocol: AcuGraph and the Kidney Return 4.93/5 (57)

We’ve all encountered patients who, for whatever reason, seem to have very little qi available with which to work. Such patients can be challenging, and may not respond well until their qi has been replenished. One of the first steps in treating such patients is to rally what qi reserves... Read more

The 3-Level Acupuncture Balance Part 4: More on the Divergent Channel Balance 5/5 (64)

The 3-Level Acupuncture Protocol balances the Primary Channels (to regulate circulation of qi and blood), the Eight Extraordinary Channels (to regulate the musculoskeletal body), and the Divergent Channels (to regulate the internal zang-fu organs). If you haven’t read the previous blog posts in the 3-Level Acupuncture Balance series, you can... Read more

The 3-Level Acupuncture Balance: Part 3- More on the Eight Extraordinary Channel Balance 4.99/5 (77)

This is the 3rd post in my 3-Level Acupuncture Balance blog series. If you have not read the first two posts, you may want to read them before you continue. You can get caught up, or refresh your memory, here: Click here to read part 1, Part 1- The Treatment >> Click here... Read more