The 3-Level Acupuncture Balance Part 4: More on the Divergent Channel Balance 5/5 (64)

The 3-Level Acupuncture Protocol balances the Primary Channels (to regulate circulation of qi and blood), the Eight Extraordinary Channels (to regulate the musculoskeletal body), and the Divergent Channels (to regulate the internal zang-fu organs). If you haven’t read the previous blog posts in the 3-Level Acupuncture Balance series, you can... Read more

The 3-Level Acupuncture Balance: Part 3- More on the Eight Extraordinary Channel Balance 4.99/5 (77)

This is the 3rd post in my 3-Level Acupuncture Balance blog series. If you have not read the first two posts, you may want to read them before you continue. You can get caught up, or refresh your memory, here: Click here to read part 1, Part 1- The Treatment >> Click here... Read more

Webinar: Personalizing YOUR Treatment Protocols 5/5 (56)

Are you utilizing the custom treatment plan option within AcuGraph to its full potential? How about the reference section? Learning how to use these two options within AcuGraph will help you save time and have a better flow in the note taking process of your treatment. Time is a VALUABLE... Read more

using the RRT to move qi and blood

Webinar: How to Be Great at Treating Pain 5/5 (52)

At the 2017 Acupuncture Technology Symposium, Kimberly demonstrated a new technique and tool she uses to open up the channels and move qi and blood to prepare the body for a more successful acupuncture treatment.   She’s been doing this in her practice for several months now, and the results are outstanding.... Read more

Oops—I Forgot About Her Foot Pain 4.96/5 (46)

I’ll bet you’ve done this before. The patient comes in for their regular treatment and spouts off her normal chief complaints: Upper back tension. She also mentions she have a weird random pain on the top of her right foot for no recognizable reason. I moved forward with my normal appointment flow–graph the... Read more

Depression – One Visit Changed EVERYTHING! 5/5 (45)

A patient came in last week, desperately hoping acupuncture would work. Nothing else was helping… Her family circumstances were overwhelming to the point her emotions were out of control. She couldn’t stop crying. She wished she could run away from everything and everyone. And she even said she wished her... Read more