Helping your Patients WIN at Weight Loss 5/5 (40)

So what happens after the most wonderful time of the year?healthy diet concept

That’s right, the most DREADED!

As always, the number one New Years Resolution is to lose weight. How many of your patients this week have been talking about it, or even asking for help? If you’re like most practitioners, that answer is “Most of them.”

So I’ve got some great news for you.

auriculotherapy studies

As an acupuncture practitioner, you’ve got a LOT to offer your patients to help them lose weight. Let me show you a simple technique that is fast and easy to perform in your office, and better yet, has shown the following results in studies:

  • Beats Medication: A 1993 study of 110 overweight people showed that patients receiving this treatment lost an average of 11 Lbs. and 3% body fat during the 3 months of the study, compared with 6.6 Lbs. and 1.54% body fat reduction in the control group, who received only obesity medication.
  • Bonus: Lower Triglycerides! In this same study, the participants’ triglycerides dropped by 67 points, compared with 38 points on average for the control group.
  • Feel Full Longer: Another study demonstrated that this treatment inhibits smooth muscle tone in the gastric wall. This delays emptying of the stomach, helping your patients feel full longer!
  • Better Self-Control! A 1998 study of 42 patients receiving this care for 12 weeks demonstrated an average weight loss of 21 lbs., as well as lower triglycerides and cholesterol. Patients reported an increased ability to discipline their eating under the treatment program.
  • Decreased Appetite! A 2010 study of the effects of this treatment on appetite recruited 42 volunteers and asked them to rate their appetite and desire for food before and 30 minutes after treatment. The results showed decreased appetite in the treatment group, as compared with the control group.

If you haven’t guessed by now, the treatment I’m talking about is Auriculotherapy.

And if you ask me, it’s like a secret weapon to help your patients win at weight loss. As the above studies indicate, Auriculotherapy helps IMPROVE weight loss results when patients are already implementing a weight control program. Combined with proper diet and exercise, auriculotherapy gets unbeatable results!

What’s more, Auriculotherapy is super easy to do and provides another marketable service to help build your practice. Think about it for a minute…How many of your patients need to lose weight? How many would appreciate your help? Do you sense an opportunity here? Want to do something about it?

I’ve got exactly what you need!

As you know, I’m a big proponent of Auricular treatment for just about anything. It’s fast, easy, and very effective. But an effective Auricular weight loss program is more than just a quick ear treatment for your patient. That’s why I’ve put together my new Auriclotherapy for Weight Loss Program. In it, I show you–and give you–everything you need to help your patients reach their goals. Best of all, you can get started RIGHT NOW!

I’ve put together two packages; one with a Stimplus Pro device, and one without (for those who already own a Stimplus Pro.)

Both packages contain my practitioner training manual, and enough materials to take 10 patients through the program. Patient materials include home care instructions and charts, ear seeds for home use, and patient education brochures.

Get Started NOW to help your patients reach the goals they’ve already set for themselves!


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Dr. Adrian Larsen

Adrian P. Larsen, D.C., F.A.S.A., C.Ac. Dr. Larsen is President of Miridia Technology Inc., and one of the developers of the AcuGraph Digital Meridian Imaging system. He currently divides his time between research, product development, and teaching. Dr. Larsen also holds certifications in Applied Kinesiology and CPK, and has specialized training in SOT and craniopathy. He, his wife, and 7 children reside in Meridian, Idaho.

5 Replies to “Helping your Patients WIN at Weight Loss

  1. I just ordered the Weight Loss Program and can’t wait to get it. Are you all working on a Smoking Cessation one? I have finally received approval to do this and the Weight Loss on my out patient hospital based clinic!

    You used to sell the Neutralizer. I was not able to find it in the web store. Can you tell me where I can get more please.

    Thank you for the high quality products and education you provide!

    Happy New Year


    1. Deb, Thanks for your order and compliments! We are so excited about providing you the tools you need to help hundreds of people. Know that turns work into FUN!

      We are trying to organize our store a little bit. The Neutralizers were moved under the Acupuncture Tools category. Here’s the link:

      We’ll have more Treatment Packages coming out soon! Be sure and subscribe to our blog and Facebook page to receive the updates!

  2. Since I am only self-treating, can I buy just the book on the weight-loss therapy without the marketing materials? Cost? Thank you, RRH

So, what do you think about it?