Target Marketing & Retention 5/5 (39)

Why do I lose patients as fast as I get them? I hear comments like these from a wide range of practitioners. It’s the nature of the health care business. It’s not you or your profession. It’s a bit of irony that the better you are at healing people, the less they come to see you! So, if you’re thinking its “Just You,” or “Just Acupuncturists” that lose patients all the time…THINK AGAIN! I’ve worked... Read more

Short and Sweet 5/5 (35)

Good morning. I hope that your holiday weekend has been fabulous. Today’s blog is short and sweet. I’d like to share an article that was written by one of our AcuGraph users in China. Matthew Scott writes regular articles that you may be interested in following. He is a professionally-trained Chinese-medicine practitioner from Australia. In 2000, Matthew moved to China for a few months to further his studies in Chinese medicine and never went back.... Read more

Another Success Story (Can you really help a stroke patient?) 5/5 (40)

Hello Friends, I just received the following from Dr. Jeff Snodgrass: Just wanted to drop a note. I just treated a man who suffered a severe cerebral stroke in December. He has had double vision and dizziness and paralysis of the right side of his body. His right eye turned in and he had to keep it closed most of the time so he could see what he was doing. The source point graph really... Read more

Kimberly’s Pet Peeve 5/5 (33)

The AcuGraph program isn’t perfect… THERE—I said it. That sounds a little awkward coming from me, doesn’t it Let me give you a little history. The AcuGraph has been around for a long time. You can’t stay around as long as we have without continuing to upgrade. Actually, we keep a master list of requests that come in from our users with suggestions for continued improvements. One of the best things about investing in AcuGraph... Read more

How do I turn Leads into New Patients? 5/5 (37)

Okay, you’ve spent the weekend in the hot sun at a Health fair. It was very successful! You screened 85 people and have 40 appointments scheduled! It’s now Monday morning…WHAT DO YOU DO NOW?! It’s at this point when you realize how important it is to be prepared! We all want more patients…but there are basic rules of interaction that are required for a new contact to become a new patient. It’s all about relationships,... Read more

Patients are trying to find…YOU! Here’s how you make it easy. 5/5 (37)

Does this scene look familiar?                       How about this one? We all know the power of the internet. Anyone looking for anything goes to the internet! I can’t remember the last time I looked in a Phone book or Yellow Pages! So the question is, when people are searching for a solution…Will they find you? Word is getting out about AcuGraph and we have patients... Read more

Inquiring Minds Want to Know 5/5 (38)

Recently, I received an e-mail from a practitioner who was considering purchasing an AcuGraph. She had a couple of really good questions for me. I’d like you to read my responses and tell me what you would add to my thoughts. Background: This practitioner was responding to an e-mail which she received from me stating that my practice had doubled.   Question #1: I’m interested in numbers. Telling me that your practice immediately doubled because... Read more

Wow…being prepared makes ALL the difference! 5/5 (37)

If you’ve been following my blogs, you know that my primary goal is to help each of you have a commercially successful practice. The other day, I helped a practitioner set up a health screening table at a grand opening sponsored by a local Chamber of Commerce. We anticipated 100-200 people, however, due to the pouring rain, flooded parking lot and the fact it was on a Thursday night, there were maybe 25 people! So... Read more

Last Day to Get your Present! 5/5 (37)

Hello Friends…Feliz Cumpleanos! It’s not your birthday? That’s OK. It’s mine! (Happy Birthday to me!) You didn’t get me anything? That’s OK too. I got you something! Here it is: Dr. Jake Fratkin came here in January and gave an incredible 2-day seminar on advanced AcuGraph applications in your practice. With over 30 years’ experience, Jake is a wealth of not just knowledge, but wisdom. Of course, due to Dr. Fratkin’s reputation, seats sold out very quickly and... Read more

Ancient Chinese Secret 5/5 (38)

Last week, I sent almost all of my patients home with the SAME herbal prescription. Not from my pharmacy but from the grocery store.  Not a “special” grocery store, but a regular ole’ Idaho grocery store… It was 95 degrees in Boise over the weekend and the whole town came to life–riding bikes, mowing lawns, golfing, and playing in the park. Where I live, we don’t take a beautiful day for granted. When it is... Read more

I’m Embarrassed 5/5 (37)

It’s time to confess… I can’t believe that it took me so long to figure this out. Actually, I’m rather embarrassed to admit that I didn’t understand the value of the “By Element” chart. I’ve been explaining the AcuGraph features to practitioners for years.  When I sit down with a practitioner to explain the graphs, I usually scroll through the each one to show multiple ways that they can analyze the graphing information. Once I... Read more

Do You ever Feel like You’ve Missed Something? 5/5 (33)

Okay, I’m a “Big Picture” kind of guy. In other words, I like to see all the details, from the start to the finish! When it comes to being proficient with the AcuGraph Dr. Larsen has created a simple progression that will help you become an “AcuGraph-Master.” Like most electronic purchases, we have a conditioned need to “plug the thing in and watch it work!” We come by this tendency honestly…just think of how home... Read more

It works HOW fast? 5/5 (41)

How long does it take to stop a panic attack? I had occasion to find out when my wife awakened me a few nights ago in a full-blown panic attack. Her heart was pounding and rapid, her breath was short, and she was experiencing large muscle twitches all over her body. She had all the emotional anxiety that typically accompanies a panic attack as well. It was as if she had lost control of her... Read more

It doesn’t have to be SCARY! 5/5 (40)

Do you treat kids in your office? If you don’t, you really should. A week or so ago, I had an 8-year-old child come into my clinic for constipation. The mother informed me that he is afraid of needles and wanted to know if I could still treat him. Luckily, I had multiple options for treatment–so of course I said YES. As it turned out, the chief complaint was constipation, but he also had ADD.... Read more

Simple steps to setting up Corporate health screenings! 5/5 (38)

On my way to work I was flipping through the radio stations, looking for a good song. On at least three of those stations they were talking about an expo, tradeshow or fair! My last three posts focused on how to take advantage of these events. Today let’s talk about how to CREATE opportunities with the medium to large corporations near you. The public perception of corporations is interesting. Hollywood portrays them as cold, uncaring... Read more