Acugraph is the (gf) bread and butter of my acupuncture practice

AcuGraph is The (GF) Bread and Butter of my Acupuncture Practice 4.95/5 (22)

ourse), but I'm here to tell you that AcuGraph is the (GF) bread and butter of my Chinese Medicine practice. Not to be dramatic, but I'm pretty sure I would not survive without my Acugraph. Is there such thing as AcuGraph dependence?! Let me share with you WHY AcuGraph is such an invaluable tool in my practice, and HOW I use it every day for superior acupuncture diagnosis, treatment, and patient communication. Read more

The Primary Channel Balance – Part 2 5/5 (1)

Relationships of acupuncture meridians (channels) have been mapped out since the Nan Jing (100 CE). The essential premise is that qi (life energy) flows through twelve channels in a continuous sequence. This energy nourishes and invigorates all tissues along each pathway, including designated organs (zang-fu), blood flow, muscle, bone, etc. Read more

The 3-Level Acupuncture Balance: Part 3- More on the Eight Extraordinary Channel Balance 4.99/5 (77)

This is the 3rd post in my 3-Level Acupuncture Balance blog series. If you have not read the first two posts, you may want to read them before you continue. You can get caught up, or refresh your memory, here: Click here to read part 1, Part 1- The Treatment >> Click here... Read more