AcuGraph Update: Adding Multiple Custom Cover Pages 5/5 (54)

We have to say—the option in AcuGraph 5.3 to upload and choose from multiple custom cover pages for printed and emailed reports is one of our very favorite new features. Not only does it add a personal touch to reports, but it also gives you a leg-up in marketing your practice, allowing you full jurisdiction over the message that you send home with each patient. 

If you’d like a quick ‘how-to’ on all things custom cover pages, watch the short video below or read on in this post! Alternatively, if you’re interested in learning about the other features in AcuGraph 5.3, check out this post.

Note that if you previously had a custom cover page in AcuGraph, it will have been removed after the software update. These instructions will help you upload it again. 

Creating or Locating a Custom Cover Page 

Before opening AcuGraph, create or locate your custom cover pages. Make sure that your cover page is saved as a PDF file, as other file types are not supported within the AcuGraph software.  To make it easier to find later, it may be helpful to move your report into a named folder on your computer’s desktop temporarily. 

Uploading your File into AcuGraph 

One you have located or created your files and you know where on your computer they are stored, you’re ready to open AcuGraph! Once the program is fully loaded, go into the ‘settings’ icon at the top of the AcuGraph window. Next, choose the ‘reports’ tab, and about halfway down the window, you’ll see the custom cover pages section. 

Now, click on the ‘browse’ button and navigate to the location of your cover page. Click the file you would like to upload (you will need to upload files one at a time) and click ‘open.’ The file name will now show up in the field underneath the “Step 2: Name your Cover Page” heading.

Naming your Cover Page 

If desired, you can change the name of your cover page to help you differentiate it from others in the future. Now, click ‘Add to List,’ and you should see the file name fill into the empty box just to the right. Congratulations—you have now uploaded your first cover page into your list!

And… Repeat! 

Repeat this process for each cover page you want to upload. You should see each of your cover pages fill into the list in the box on the right. If you lose track of which is which, you can click the small blue arrow icon, and a preview of the PDF will open.

If for some reason you need to delete one of your cover pages, you can do so by clicking the small ‘x’ icon right next to the blue arrow.

Choosing a Cover Page for a Report 

Now that your cover pages are loaded into AcuGraph, it’s time to actually attach one to a report! Start by going back to the home page. You can do this by clicking the home icon at the top left of the AcuGraph window.

Look up one of your patents using the search field and open his or her file. Choose a graph and click the ‘print’ button. Now, you should see the phrase “Cover Pages” with a drop down list next to it that will probably say “none.”

If you click on that list, you can now locate and select the desired cover page and add it to your report. You’ll be able to preview the cover page with the rest of the report to ensure that it’s exactly what you want.

Though you don’t ever have to use a custom cover page, this is just one more way that we strive to make the AcuGraph experience valuable and customizable for you, your practice and your patients. We hope that you find this feature as exciting and valuable as we do!

As always, we value your feedback, and we are here for you. Let us know how we can serve you better. 

Enjoy the Updates!


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Dr. Adrian Larsen

Adrian P. Larsen, D.C., F.A.S.A., C.Ac. Dr. Larsen is President of Miridia Technology Inc., and one of the developers of the AcuGraph Digital Meridian Imaging system. He currently divides his time between research, product development, and teaching. Dr. Larsen also holds certifications in Applied Kinesiology and CPK, and has specialized training in SOT and craniopathy. He, his wife, and 7 children reside in Meridian, Idaho.

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