Talk about bad luck.

Talk about bad luck! It only took 3 days!

One of our AcuGraph users had just purchased his system and started to use it. He had spent 3 days performing patient exams and gathering data. Then he made the mistake of leaving his laptop in his car.

Someone broke the window in his car and stole his laptop–and his AcuGraph. What’s worse? His patient records were on that laptop.

When he called, I told him not to worry–his patient records were encrypted and safe. Even if the crooks tried to get the patients’ personal information on that laptop, they wouldn’t have any luck.

And I told him he could simply restore his data from his backups and he’d be back in business. He did have his data backed up, right?


Luckily it was only 3 days of data he lost, rather than 3 months or 3 years. But it highlighted a problem we needed to solve. Many of us, even with the best intentions, simply don’t back up our data like we should.

That’s why we developed AcuGraph Secure Backup.

Simply put, this ridiculously affordable option automatically backs up your patient data every time you shut down AcuGraph. But it doesn’t just create a back up–it stores your data in our encrypted, secure backup facility for ultimate protection.

Whether your computer is damaged, destroyed, lost, stolen, or simply dies, your data is safe on our servers and available at the click of a mouse.

Two days ago, another friend of mine, a man who used to practice with me in fact, lost his laptop to theft. Crooks broke into his office at night and made off with anything valuable they could grab.

This time, it wasn’t nearly the tragedy it could have been. Click, click. Data back. Like Magic.

AcuGraph Secure Backup is just one more way we show our commitment to our users. Want to learn more about it? Click Here:

AcuGraph Secure Backup

Here’s to your success!

Best Regards,

Dr. Adrian Larsen
Miridia Technology, Inc.

Like Acupuncture, AcuGraph is way ahead of its time. Every upgrade gets better and better. Most likely, a few hundred years down the road, AcuGraph will be remembered as a cornerstone in spreading Acupuncture as a health care modality to everyday westerners. I strongly believe that any acupuncturist who deals with the general public must use AcuGraph, otherwise they deny themselves practice stability and deny their clients the best possible service. I upgraded every time there has been a new version of Acugraph and I will keep on doing so as long as I am in practice. I am a customer for life.

—Oguz (O’s) Goknur, L.Ac.

Dr. Adrian Larsen

Adrian P. Larsen, D.C., F.A.S.A., C.Ac. Dr. Larsen is President of Miridia Technology Inc., and one of the developers of the AcuGraph Digital Meridian Imaging system. He currently divides his time between research, product development, and teaching. Dr. Larsen also holds certifications in Applied Kinesiology and CPK, and has specialized training in SOT and craniopathy. He, his wife, and 7 children reside in Meridian, Idaho.

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