Wherever you need it.

Because one may not be enough.

AcuGraph users commonly ask us if they can install AcuGraph on more than one computer.

Whether your office has multiple treatment rooms, or you’re a mobile user who needs AcuGraph on both a laptop and a desktop, there are various reasons you might need AcuGraph installed in multiple locations.

No problem.

Your AcuGraph software license allows you to install the system on more than one computer. It’s been that way from the beginning.

But that wasn’t good enough for us.

You see, having AcuGraph in two different computers meant you also had patient data in two different computers. What if the records for the patient in front of you happen to be stored in your laptop computer, which you left at home? Not good.

That’s why we developed the AcuGraph MultiConnect. This special network version of AcuGraph allows you to install the system on multiple networked computers, but share the same database for instant access to your patient data from any networked computer.

Better yet, if you have a laptop you take out of the office, to a screening event for example, it will automatically synchronize with the other computers when you return to the office.

Your data is always up to date and accessible with AcuGraph MultiConnect.

Click the image below to watch a short video demo:

We didn’t have to build this network version. In fact it mandated a complete re-write of the software. But we did it for your success. Even if you don’t have an office network now, you never know how much you’ll grow in the future. And AcuGraph will grow with you.

Here’s to your success!

Best Regards,

Dr. Adrian Larsen
Miridia Technology, Inc.

AcuGraph is a wonderful tool to help bring patients into treatment or to help convert them to longer term care.  However, my life purpose is not to increase my patient load, but to help create a better planet and healthier people living on it.  When my treatment plan isn’t helping a patient reach their goals, I have found that following the recommended AcuGraph treatments almost always brings the success I have been missing. Sometimes I wonder who is in that little black box.

I highly recommend you too take advantage of today’s technology and incorporate AcuGraph into your practice.

Ian Wahl, LAc, DA, CH

Dr. Adrian Larsen

Adrian P. Larsen, D.C., F.A.S.A., C.Ac. Dr. Larsen is President of Miridia Technology Inc., and one of the developers of the AcuGraph Digital Meridian Imaging system. He currently divides his time between research, product development, and teaching. Dr. Larsen also holds certifications in Applied Kinesiology and CPK, and has specialized training in SOT and craniopathy. He, his wife, and 7 children reside in Meridian, Idaho.

2 Replies to “Wherever you need it.

  1. Regarding hand tremors, while writting,how it will be cured with AcuGraph,I am not able to get, though I have seen your AcuGraph in this e-mail. Please give details for further clarification.

    Thanking You
    Haren Barsaikia

    1. Hello Haren,

      AcuGraph helps acupuncture practitioners determine where energetic imbalances are located in acupuncture meridian system. The practitioner then provides treatment to bring the patient’s body back into balance. The theory behind Chinese Medicine is that when the body is properly balanced, all systems will function at their optimum ability. AcuGraph does not “cure” hand tremors, instead it is a resource for putting the body back into balance so that the body can take care of the problems within. If you would like more information about our AcuGraph system, please take a look at our website. http://www.miridiatech.com/products/index.php

      Thank you,


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