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Sometimes, Life Gets Busy
As a practitioner, I’m sure you can relate to the stress of taking care of everyone else, and not scheduling time for self-care.
I just got back from teaching in Europe. Teaching, socializing and rubbing shoulders with the practitioners is by far one of the best parts of my job at Miridia Technology. This trip was FANTASTIC. But–it was also quite a bit of work! Before I left town I was a busy woman. Here are some of the items from my pre-trip to-do list:
- Make sure all of my patients are taken care of. You know how that goes! If you tell the world you are leaving town, then everyone tries to make sure they get on your schedule before you leave.
- Prepare my family. When you are a mom, you can’t just leave town. You have to do all the mom stuff first. Groceries, laundry, chore charts, emergency letters, etc.
- Prepare to teach. You don’t just magically show up to teach a class. There’s ton of behind the scenes work that needs your attention such as slide presentations, emails, and handouts.
- Pack. Pack for yourself, and for your husband. Oh, and don’t forget the special requests from students in your class!
I Made a Mistake
Has this ever happened to you?
Before I left for Europe I was taking care of everyone except for me. My meridian graph from AcuGraph below proves it.

I know what you are going to say… “Kimberly, you know better!”
You are absolutely right, I do know better. I’m typically pretty good about taking care of myself. Life just got a little bit out of hand, and before I knew it, my graph was a mess!
I had let things get really out of control. It was time to get on an airplane and leave for Europe. It was too late to book myself an appointment. I remember sitting on the airplane, feeling a bit disappointed in myself. I wanted to give my best to the practitioners I was about to teach, but my body wasn’t cooperating.
Learn From Your Mistakes
I’ve always taught my kids that the best thing they can do when they make a mistake is learn from it. That’s exactly what I did.
I’m here to tell you that I learned a couple of valuable lessons from this experience.
- The first one is obvious. Try not to let the same mistake happen again next time. I know better. Self-care is really important. When you take care of everyone else besides yourself, you pay the price. It’s just not worth it.
- The second lesson actually turned out to be a valuable resource. It’s so valuable that I thought I should share it with you.
Take a look at my graph below. I just returned from 10 days of travel. Two days ago I went through customs 3 times and traveled for 28 hours. My graph REALLY should not look this good.

I obviously couldn’t graph myself while I was traveling, but I knew I was exhausted and needed help. Desperation often leads to creativity…
Laser to the Rescue
I pulled out my red laser and decided to start treating myself. Too tired for creativity, I simply treated each of my source points. I did this multiple times during my 10 day trip… on the plane to Europe. Multiple evenings in my hotel room after a long day of teaching. And then, I repeated the treatment again on my way home.
This turned out to be a fabulously effective 5 minute self-care treatment protocol. Imagine how shocked I was when I saw the all green graph when I returned home. I had been gone for 10 days, expended a lot of energy, eaten out the whole time, and slept in multiple beds. To top it all off, I had just finished a 28 hour travel day to return home which included going through customs three times and changing multiple time zones.
Kimberly’s “Magical” Self-Care Travel Protocol
Since I experienced such amazing results for myself, I knew I had to share it with you. It’s really easy. Essentially, I am just treating the source points on both the hands and the feet. Here’s what I would recommend:
- Use a Red Laser (My favorite is the 635 nM Qi Pulse)
- Treat each source point for 15 seconds
- Make sure you treat BOTH sides of the body
- Repeat daily
- The entire protocol only takes 5 minutes!
I decided that this protocol was so effective and easy to administer that patients SHOULD treat themselves when they are on vacation as well. Since I already sell lasers to my patients to supplement their treatment plan from home, it made perfect sense to teach patients how to create balance when they are on vacation.
I’ve created a handout for my patients. Here’s a link so you can download my handout for FREE, just in case you want to share this gift with your patients as well.

Click here to download the handout:
Now that I’m Smarter…
Next time, I travel there are two things I will remember.
- Try harder to take care of myself before I leave.
- Always bring a laser with me for daily self-treatment.
I hope you are better at self-care than I was before traveling. If you ever get into a sticky situation and need treatment, try using my “Magical” Travel Protocol with your red laser for 5 minutes each day. It really works!
Until Next Time,
Dr. Kimberly