Graph Analysis #8: “Help…I’ve been bitten!” 5/5 (40)

So, I have an interesting case study to share. Let me first pose this question:

Will the graph change if a person is bitten by a Hobo Spider?

Yes–the graph will ABSOLUTELY change because of a venomous spider bite, and by all means it should! Not only did the graph change for this patient, but it actually showed WHICH channel was affected and WHICH side of the body the patient received the bite.

Before we jump into this graph analysis, I want to talk about a concern that SOME practitioners have shared when researching AcuGraph.

Practitioners want to know whether or not AcuGraph is really accurate. This is a fair question. Why would you want to buy AcuGraph if it didn’t give an accurate analysis of the meridian systems?

Occasionally, I talk to an argumentative practitioner who thinks that AcuGraph is not accurate because graphing results can change with “life circumstances.” They ask questions like these:

  • Will the graph change if a person has just exercised?
  • What if a person is taking medications? Will this change the graph analysis?
  • If a person is emotionally or physically stressed, will the graph change?

My answer is: YES, readings will change with life circumstances. This concerns some practitioners, because they are misinformed–thinking that if the graph changes, then AcuGraph must not be accurate.

I’ll have to admit, an argument like this makes me scratch my head and wonder whether or not the practitioner was really trained in TCM… Almost anything can change the dynamics of how energy flows through the body–an injury, emotions, medications, food choices, etc. Isn’t that the point of Acupuncture? We treat the imbalances that are present at the time of treatment–along with underlying chronic patterns. When the body is out of balance it doesn’t function at full capacity. Our job, as practitioners, is to help put the body back into balance “when LIFE happens”–so the body can heal itself.

So, let’s take a look at how the spider bite manifested on the graph…

Can you tell which channel was closest to the bite?

Is it obvious to you that he was bitten on his left arm?

This patient typically comes in for a monthly tune-up for treatment of neck and shoulder tension with some underlying Liver and Kidney Yin deficiency. Three weeks before this visit he was bitten by a Hobo Spider. The arm looked like it was back to normal, but the graph revealed post-trauma channel stagnation from excess toxins that were lingering in the arm.

spider bite case study

How I treated:


As always, I began by looking at the Yin/Yang graph to determine treatment.

  • First, I treated HT 5 and PC 6 (Luo points).
  • I also treated SP 3 (source point). In my opinion, the Spleen channel was on the low side, and I knew that the Spleen needed to be stronger in order to help clear the toxins out of his system.


Next, I look at the yang channels and decide that the GB and LI were my main two priorities.

  • I chose GB 38 to sedate the channel.
  • Next, I chose Ashi points along the left Large Intestine channel to help move stagnation: LI 4, 7, 10, 11, 12, 14.


Additional TCM points:

  • SP 6, ST 36: Strengthen the Spleen’s ability to transport toxins for elimination.
  • LI 11: To clear toxicity
  • LV 3: To clear toxicity

Additional tendinomuscular points:

  • GB 21 and SI 11: Shoulder tension
  • Bilateral ear seeds: Shoulder Pain protocol from Auriculo 360

Detecting stagnation in the Large Intestine channel was a very important element of treatment for this patient. As we know, stagnation lingering in the channel after trauma can cause substantial health problems in the future. AcuGraph allowed me to SEE how the spider bite affected his Large Intestine channel.

Never underestimate the importance of graph analysis for every patient. Your diagnosis will be more accurate, and your patients will thank you for taking the necessary steps to keep them healthy.

Have a fantastic week!

If you want to learn more about Graph Analysis, check them here.

Kimberly Thompson, L.Ac.

PS. Here’s a link to review the options available for your AcuGraph.

AcuGraph Video demo

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Dr. Kimberly Thompson, DACM, L.Ac.

Dr. Kimberly Thompson, DACM, L.Ac. is a US licensed acupuncturist in the state of Idaho and certified in the treatment of acupuncture, Oriental medicine and Chinese herbology by the National Certification Commission of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM). Kimberly wears multiple hats in the acupuncture community. She owns her private clinic, Meridian Family Acupuncture. She has spent the last 10 years working for Miridia Technology as an acupuncture Research Analyst–where she helps plan, develop, and integrate modern diagnostic and treatment tools for the ever-evolving scientific world of acupuncture. Kimberly is a world-renown teacher, blogger, columnist, and mentor in the acupuncture community.

2 Replies to “Graph Analysis #8: “Help…I’ve been bitten!”

  1. Thanks Madam,

    I really enjoy your informative description of patient problems using acugraph and followed by treatment protocol.

    One small request if you could also include photograph of the tongue or description of tongue pattern too, it will make the case even more interesting to understand and analyze as i am very much sure it will match with what acugraph has to say.


  2. I just received a nice e-mail from Dr. Alan Plenty. He suggested another great point to check and use when a patient comes in with toxin accumulation. I suggest that you add these notes to your POINTS PC program. I just did, so that I can remember it later.

    Here is his message:

    Hi Kimberly,

    Just read your E-mail with regards to the treatment administered to the
    patient bitten by the Hobo spider,

    You indicated that shao shang Li11 and tai chong Lv3 was used to clear toxin. Zhu bin Ki9 when indurated is a diagnostic indicator for body inflammation/Toxin. Treating this with japanese thread moxa 7-9 cones is greatly beneficial in such circumstances. Hope you have an opportunity to give this a whirl,

    Yours Sincerely
    Alan Plenty DC, Dip Acu.

    **Indurated means: The hardening of a normally soft tissue or organ, especially the skin, because of inflammation, infiltration of a neoplasm, or an accumulation of blood.

So, what do you think about it?