How Would You Explain This?–Part 2 5/5 (37)

So yesterday I posted a graph of a 37-year-old female patient, who was complaining of low back pain, abdominal bloating and constipation, poor digestion and exhaustion. She felt terrible, but her graph was practically perfect. If you didn’t see it yet, you can find it here.

When I posted the case, I asked you to tell me your next move, and how you would explain a nearly perfect graph and a perfectly miserable patient.

Here’s the rest of the story:

As you can see, my next move was to perform a jing-well point graph, since the source point graph showed no significant findings. And the jing-well graph was terrible. The most significant finding here is the “belt block”–which refers to a major upper/lower imbalance. A 51% lower dominance, to be precise.

The Belt Block is caused by a disturbance of the Dai Mai meridian, which interrupts the smooth flow of Chi up and down the torso, leading to an imbalance between upper and lower. It can manifest as either upper dominant or lower dominant, and often produces symptoms similar to the ones this patient was experiencing.

Belt Blocks can be caused by physical trauma such as an automobile accident or a fall but is just as likely to have a mental/emotional cause. In either case, the best approach to restore normal flow is by addressing the master point of the Dai Mai, GB 41, along with its associated point, TE 5. This was the approach I used with this patient, who found almost immediate relief.

The two take-home lessons are as follows:

1. If a symptomatic patient has an excellent graph, examine the other set of points to look for the imbalance. In other words, if the source graph is great, look at the jing-well graph, and vice versa.

2. Whenever you see a significant upper-lower imbalance, add GB 41 and TE 5 to your treatment to restore the function of the Dai Mai. You’ll be glad you did.

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Dr. Adrian Larsen

Adrian P. Larsen, D.C., F.A.S.A., C.Ac. Dr. Larsen is President of Miridia Technology Inc., and one of the developers of the AcuGraph Digital Meridian Imaging system. He currently divides his time between research, product development, and teaching. Dr. Larsen also holds certifications in Applied Kinesiology and CPK, and has specialized training in SOT and craniopathy. He, his wife, and 7 children reside in Meridian, Idaho.

7 Replies to “How Would You Explain This?–Part 2

  1. As Dr.Dennis Baker said in his AcuGraph Training DVD, first 3 sessions just do what AcuGraph will tell you and you could have a fabulous results:).
    Thank you, Dr. Larsen for this post.

  2. Good case and discussion…and a good reminder to use the jing-well point diagnosis more frequently on the stubborn pain patients.

    I’ve seen several Belt block patients recently. This morning, a 50 yo female that I saw one week ago with 4 splits and belt block returned with great improvement on multiple pain complaints. Makes for a good day at work!!

    Have a good J4 weekend AL and crew!!

  3. In previous correspondence you have mentioned that you consider the source and jing well points to be two different “systems”. Can you please elaborate on this concept,(what you mean by systems) and give some theoretical explanation as to why this should be true.
    thank you very much,

  4. Dear Dr.
    thank you for your post. I shall apply four points in this case instead of only tw5 & gb41. Remember tw5 has good amount of yang and thus gb41 removes occlusions of yang flow.If her B P is lowish this alone may help more. Use sp4 (Left) tonification method p6 (Right) reducing method for normal and lowish B P. Reverse the sides for high B P. This will ensure free flow of yin energy and due nourishment, which is her main cause i.e. deficiecy of yin with stagnation of Liver Qi.
    I am submitting it to get back a response from the community at large.

  5. Para nosotros de habla hispana, tengo dificultad para ubicar el nombre correcto de los puntos que recomiendan, agradeceria poner las letras equivalentes de los nombres en Ingles al Español, gracias

    1. En esta entrada del blog, el Dr. Larsen estaba hablando a una cuadra de la correa. Un bloque de cinta también se considera un bloqueo en el Mai Dai. Los puntos correspondientes que se refiere son: Energizer Triple 5 y la vesícula biliar 41. Lamento que la traducción no fue a través de bien. Espero que esto responda a sus preguntas.


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