At-Home Immune System Protocol For Kids 4.86/5 (14)

Strengthening support for your child's immune system becomes crucial, especially amidst the winter and holiday season. Dr. Mackenzie Agnew Dawson has a special solution for you. She's crafted an effortless method to enhance both your child's and your own immune system as sniffles begin to emerge during our celebrations and gatherings. Dive into the details below to discover this straightforward At-Home Immune System Protocol For Kids, using acupressure or tapping at three key Acupuncture Points. Read more

Acupuncture Point: Spleen 9 (SP 9) 4.87/5 (106)

Spleen 9 (SP 9) is a powerful point. It's main function in Chinese medicine is to resolve "dampness". Dampness is not a normal diagnostic term used in western medicine, but it is actually quite simple to understand. When the Spleen and the Stomach channels are working together digestion runs smoothly, water and nutrients are well absorbed, and the the body metabolizes food intake well. Read more