Sneak peek at Dr. Fratkin’s blog Part III 5/5 (39)


Have you been following Dr. Jake Fratkin’s guest articles? 

If’ you’ve missed them, here are the links…click below and catch up!

Dr. Jake Fratkin #1:
They didn’t Teach this in Acupuncture School

Dr. Jake Fratkin #2:
Acupuncture’s Quiet Controversy

Dr. Jake Fratkin #3: COMING SOON!

At the end of Part 2, Dr. Fratkin asked the question below.

What method of Diagnosis is better – Pulse/Tongue or Computerized?

This is a question you may not have EVER thought about. This is probably due to the overwhelming majority of acupuncture schools teaching ONLY the TCM method of diagnosis, ie. Pulse/Tongue.

Dr. Fratkin’s take on this:

“When I returned to Meridian Therapy, after an interlude with TCM, I saw that patients got better in half as many treatments. This was not due to discarding TCM; it was due to adding in MT. That is to say, I used Meridian Therapy as our root treatment, and added in TCM, or other modalities, as the branch treatment.”

“My experience with computerized meridian diagnosis is that it gives me diagnostic information that is more accurate and precise than pulse diagnosis.”

Let that sink in for a moment….he goes on to say:

“In addition to being more accurate and precise, computerized systems such as AcuGraph include software to make the most use of that diagnostic information.

For me, computerized diagnosis is far superior to pulse diagnosis, showing all the variations of meridian imbalances as excess or deficiency. One can use the information as one wishes, whether it be using the software recommendations for detailed treatment, or even to focus on the primary patterns of Keiraku Chiryo.

I have tremendous respect for AcuGraph as a diagnostic and therapeutic tool. I believe it will facilitate and enhance acupuncture treatments. AcuGraph allows more patients to benefit from the very real healing offered by Meridian Therapy acupuncture.”

Don’t miss Dr. Fratkins final blog post – coming next Tuesday!

New to the AcuGraph?

This video introduction will answer a number of questions you may have.


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Alan Gifford MS, Practice Coach

For 20 years, Alan worked in the corporate world as a director of sales and marketing. He made a career change in 2003, returning to complete his Masters degree in Exercise and Wellness from Arizona State University. As a marketer and Exercise Physiologist, Alan spent the next four years working with Healthcare practitioners to increase patient volume, satisfaction and retention. He now works directly with clients of Miridia Technology to promote their practice and patient experience. In addition to English, he is fluent in Spanish and assists in developing our Latin-market presence.

So, what do you think about it?